Commonly referenced Town of Olds Policies
Number | Name |
210C | Administration Building Access |
223C | Asset Management |
102C | Brand Standards |
225C | Budget Adjustments |
315C | CAO Performance Evaluation |
703C | Certificates of Compliance |
108C | Civic Recognition |
124C | Civic Recognition on the Death of a Current or Former Elected Official |
105C | Communication and Response |
804C | Community Grants |
106C | Council Remuneration and Expenses The Town of Olds has a duly elected Council comprised of local residents who represent the interests of the Town and is the governing body for the Town. This policy sets out equitable compensation for all work involved in holding public office for the Town of Olds and for the reimbursement of approved expenses. |
201C | Data Connection |
702C | Development Security The Town of Olds shall ensure that public and private interests are protected. |
227C | Disposal of Assets Materials, vehicles and equipment that have been acquired by the Town and that are no longer required for the delivery of its services may be declared surplus and will be disposed of through an open and transparent process. Disposal of Town-owned land, engineered structures, and building assets are not included in this policy. |
226C | Disposal of Land The Town of Olds requires a formal process for the disposition of Municipal owned lands including Reserve Lands, former Reserve Land and Fee Simple Land which meets the requirements as set out in the Alberta Municipal Government Act. |
1002C | Economic Development |
107C | Elected Official Appointments Members of Olds Town Council are appointed to Boards, Commissions or Committees. |
126C | Elected Official Responsibilities, Training and Professional Development Policy The Town of Olds is committed to fostering continuous professional growth and development of its Councillors through participation in annual conventions, conferences, seminars, and other professional development opportunities. To support this, the Town allocates funding within its annual operating budget specifically for Councillor operations and related professional development activities during their term of service. |
701C | Encroachment Agreements |
117C | Engagement |
228C | Fleet Management To maintain the Town of Olds fleet in a way that vehicles are replaced at their useful life and before they become a financial liability to the Town. |
902C | Green Space Areas |
204C | Incident Management |
207C | Information System Backup |
211C | Investments |
104C | Letters of Support The Town of Olds Council is proud to support local Non-Profit Organizations and Other Organizations with Letter(s) of Support for various projects and initiatives that contribute to the quality of life in the Town or assist in addressing the common needs in communities. |
115C | Media Relations |
401C | Municipal Enforcement |
119C | Naming Rights To ensure a consistent process for evaluating and approving the naming of parks, public spaces, buildings, structures, and municipal facilities owned by the Town of Olds. |
402C | Operation of the Town of Olds Fire Department |
301C | Personnel |
116C | Plain Language |
903C | Playground Inspection and Maintenance This policy has been established and approved by Council to provide for an appropriate level of inspection and maintenance for playgrounds. |
101C | Policy and Procedure Development |
114C | Proclamations |
120C | Public Art |
113C | Public at Large Appointments The Town of Olds values the work of volunteers to any Board, Commission or Committee that the Town of Olds manages and as such will provide a consistent and fair approach to the appointment and recognition of volunteer members. |
218C | Purchasing Policy |
233C | Rates Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure the Municipality can recover costs, support the efficient delivery of services, and maintain financial sustainability by charging appropriate fees for goods and services provided. |
109C | Recognition of Departing Elected Officials |
901C | Recreation Facility Booking The Town of Olds recognizes the value and benefits of parks, trails and sports fields and recreation facilities to residents and visitors in which people engage in safe, meaningful, accessible activity that foster individual and community wellbeing, sustainable built and natural environments, capacity building, partnerships, and engagements. |
803C | Requests for Donations, Sponsorships and Promotional Items The Town of Olds shall consider requests for donations, sponsorships, and promotional items from organizations and individuals where there is a clear benefit to the Olds community. |
217C | Reserves |
205C | Rules for Flying Flags |
503C | Seasonal Road Maintenance |
213C | Signing Authority |
111C | Social Media |
202C | Tangible Capital Assets |
704C | Town of Olds Civic Addressing |
501C | Utilities The Town of Olds will provide for the inspection and maintenance of drinking water distribution, storm water collection, and wastewater collection systems. |
502C | Winter Road Maintenance Council will set the policy for the removal of snow and control of ice from streets, Lanes, Trails and Sidewalks as designated by specific maps. |
317C | Workplace Violence, Bullying and Harassment |