The Town of Olds maintains over 200 kilometres of underground water and waste water distribution systems.
Storm Water
The Town is responsible to provide an adequate outlet for storm water generated within the town boundary and provide for protection of downstream landowners as directed by Alberta Environment & Parks. The storm water system is maintained by Operations and directed by policy. This includes inspections of all:
Storm grates after any rainfall event;
- Flushing (regular program) storm water, underground system;
- Regular maintenance of open drainage and monitoring system; and
- Discharge or outfalls from storm water management are regulated by Alberta Environment and Parks.
- The areas of responsibility are sewer line blockages, lift station failure, manhole covers ajar or off, as well as sewer mains that need regular flushing and cleaning.
Water System
The Town continues to actively find, investigate, and repair water lines to reduce our water losses. This is an ongoing focus with our water distribution system within our aging underground infrastructure.
The Town is responsible for the supply, distribution and fire protection supply of potable water to Olds residents, businesses and industry. The Utilities function is responsible for the maintenance and certified operation of the water supply system as outlined by Alberta Environment and Parks, Code of Practice - solely for operating a distribution system.
There are two reservoirs with in the Town of Olds, one with 2,000,000 gallons and the other with 500,000 gallons, and pump houses that shall be routinely inspected and water consumption readings taken.
Residents in the Town of Olds receive their water from the Mountain View Regional Water Services Commission a safe, reliable source of potable water for our citizens. The Mountain View Regional Water Services Commission owns and operates the Anthony Henday Water Treatment Plant, which is situated on the banks of the Red Deer River northwest of Innisfail. The Mountain View Regional Water Services Commission at its discretion may impose Water Restrictions on its member communities at any time.
Wastewater System
The Town of Olds’ first wastewater treatment plant was installed in the 1950s. Throughout the decades numerous upgrades were made to the sewage plant until it saw its “last flush” on July 30, 2015. The Wastewater Treatment Plant was decomissioned soon after. Wastewater in the Town of Olds is now transferred through the South Red Deer Regional Wastewater Commission which brings untreated wastewater to the City of Red Deer sewage facilities for treatment and disposal. The South Red Deer Regional Wastewater Commission (SRDRWC) is composed of the Towns of Olds, Bowden, Innisfail, and Penhold, Mountain View County and Red Deer County. The SRDRWC Wastewater Transmission system allows for untreated wastewater from each of the 6 (six) member communities to be treated to higher standards at the City of Red Deer Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. This helps protect the aquatic environment and the quality of source water for much of Central Alberta.
The Town of Olds currently operates and maintains 3 wastewater lift stations which are used to move wastewater from lower to higher elevations, where natural gravity flow decreases.