Volunteering in Olds

Volunteerism plays a crucial role in the health and vitality of any community.  

By dedicating their time and talents, volunteers provide invaluable support to local organizations, addressing critical needs such as food insecurity, homelessness, and environmental protection.  This support not only improves the quality of life for those in need but also strengthens the social fabric of the community.

 Volunteerism fosters a sense of belonging and connection among residents, promoting empathy, compassion, and a shared sense of purpose.

Moreover, it provides opportunities for individuals to develop new skills, gain valuable experience, and make a meaningful contribution to their community.

Many local organizations utilize volunteers and could use your help. Below is a list groups that rely on the help of people like you.

Mountain View Emergency Shelter Society

Mountain View Food Bank - 403-556-1693

Hope 4 MVC Kids

Mountain View Hospice Society

Kiwanis Club of Olds

Rotary Club of Olds

Olds Lions Club

Olds and Area Pregnancy Support Centre 

Olds Hospital and Care Centre

Mountain View Seniors Housing









Alberta Health Services

Looking to get involved in your community? Learn new skills? Make a difference? Alberta Health Services is currently seeking enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers to join our team in the Olds Hospital and Care Centre. Volunteering with AHS is a great way to give back to your community, learn about careers in healthcare, gain valuable life experience and forge lifelong friendships. 
There are currently opportunities in the following: patient/resident visitation, office assistance, pet therapy, gardening, recreation assistant, mealtime assistant, and music therapy.
For more information on Volunteer Resources, please visit the AHS Volunteer Resources website

Canada Day Volunteer Committee

On July 1st, the Town of Olds celebrates Canada’s birthday in Centennial Park. The objective is to plan a free family event that everyone can attend and participate in the games, activities, entertainment, and fireworks. There is a variety of things to do for all members of the family. The committee works with local organizations and businesses to help in making the event possible.
It would be great to have you either help with organizing the event by joining the committee or helping with various jobs the day of. If you are interested in any of these exciting volunteer positions and would love to give back to the community, please contact hdixon@olds.ca 

Community Lending Shelf

We are looking for volunteers who have the ability to sort cloting, understand sizes and can work independently.

For more information or to vulunteer, please contact Lucinda Williams at 403-438-0273 or lucindal19@hotmail.com.

Hope 4 MVC Kids

Be a part of Hope 4 MVC Kids! We have a few volunteer opportunities coming up and are looking for individuals that would like to help share the importance of Hope 4 MVC Kids!
If you are looking for a way to give back or know someone who may be interested in helping through volunteering, send an email to:  Jen Forscutt, Volunteer Director: volunteers@hope4mvckids.org.
Hope 4 MVC Kids is a registered charity and non-profit society with a mission of providing support to families of children in medical need within Mountain View County by providing 6 clear programs.
Program 1 can assist if a local child is hospitalized (admitted). The program can assist with car parking, meals, fuel, and sibling care. If it is a long-term admission there is the potential for additional support such as rent/mortgage/utility assistance.
Program 2 can assist a local child that needs adaptive equipment for home or school that is not covered by other sources.
Program 3 can assist a local child that requires home adaptations due to illness or disability. That is not covered by other sources.
Program 4 can assist a local child who requires therapy, such as counseling, private o/t, p/t, mental health needs, alternative therapy not covered by health insurance or other sources.
Program 5 The program can assist a local child that requires prescription supports not covered by health insurance or other sources.
In relation to programs 1-5 supporting documentation from a medical professional is required.
Program 6 The program can assist local family’s with support, advocacy, and information. Navigating a child’s illness or diagnosis can be overwhelming. Due to the personal journeys of many on the board we have been where you are. We assist families with understanding and advice of where to find additional resources or support.
Hope 4 MVC Kids is operated entirely by volunteers and belongs to YOUR community.

Visit the Hope4MVCKids website to learn more.

Junior Achievement Southern Alberta

JA Southern Alberta is a non-profit organization that offers programming in financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and work readiness to students in grades kindergarten to 12. Our volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds and share one common goal: to educate students and inspire them to achieve their highest potential. Our volunteers come from the business community, either individually or through their organizations and generously donate their time to help prepare Canadian youth for the future. If you are in the Olds area, we would love to have you and your colleagues join our team of amazing volunteers! Join us and support teaching JA programs in the classrooms. We have a lot of volunteer opportunities in schools in Olds for the next school year. 
Organization Contact: Janette Santiago
Phone Number: 403-872-5608
E-mail: jsantiago@jasouthalberta.org

Kiwanis Club of Olds

The primary purpose of the Kiwanis Club of Olds is to improve the quality of life for children and families in the community, by giving children the chance to learn, grow and thrive.

Mission Statement
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.
Vision Statement
Kiwanis will be a positive influence in communities worldwide — so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive.
Email: oldskiwanis@gmail.com.

Mountain View Seniors Housing

If you are interested in making a difference in the lives of local seniors, Mountain View Seniors Housing would love to hear from you! Please contact MVSH to learn more about volunteer opportunities available at its four lodges.

Volunteer Opportunities: Friendly Visitors, Auxiliary Members, Readers Corner, Men's Coffee Leaders, Women's Coffee Leaders, Bible Study Leaders, Bingo Calling Assistants, Nail Spa Assistants, Activities Assistants, Events Assistants, Community Outing Assistants and Walking Companions. Positions will vary between each site. 

Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator if you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities.

Email: volunteer@mvsh.ca
Phone: 403-556-2957 ext. 724

Olds and Area Boys and Girls Club

BGC Olds and Area provides programming for children, youth, and families in Olds and surrounding rural communities. The organization develops a variety of programs for children, youth and families that promote respectful, inclusive, and engaging environments; relationship building and mentoring as well as community and family engagement.

•    Volunteer opportunities throughout the year: 
•    Canada Day - Assistance with facilitating Canada Day events 
•    Summer Program (July/August) - field trips, swimming, assistance with programming, youth mentorship 
•    OSC (September - June) - assistance with programing, youth mentorship 
•    Pre-teen (September - June) - assistance with programing, youth mentorship 
•    Haunted House (September - October) - committee, haunted house set up, acting in haunted house 
•    Olds Fashioned Christmas - Craft booth 
•    Board of Directors - Applicants accepted yearly to fill available positions 
Contact:  boysgirlsolds@live.com 

Olds Curling Club

The Olds Curling Club, officially operating since 1975, is home to over 300 curlers of all ages and has a mission to provide great curling experiences for all enthusiasts.
Volunteers are the backbone of this club. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, give back to the community, and promote a worthwhile activity. Without volunteers, there would be no Olds Curling Club. Interested in helping? Contact the Olds Curling Club at oldscurlinginfo@gmail.com.

Olds & District Hospice Society

Volunteers are needed in many ways, from sitting with clients, to governance, communications, fund development, organization and advocacy.
The Olds & District Hospice Society has more than 60 volunteers and is looking for more as the society grows to help individuals in need.
There are many opportunities to utilize your special skills to be part of an amazing meaningful organization.  It takes many talented community members to run a non-profit organization.  If you are passionate about “Helping People Live” please reach out to our Services Coordinator at sc@hospiceolds.com.

Olds Figure Skating Club

The Olds Figure Skating Club is looking for volunteers with the following skills:  creative, patient, organized, reliable, team player, willing to help, respectful and trustworthy.

Contact: Darci Molander: 403-439-0145 or info@oldsskatingclub.ca

Olds Lions Club

Lions Clubs – Ready to Help, Worldwide
Whenever a Lions club gets together, problems get smaller. And communities get better. That's because we help where help is needed – in our own communities and around the world – with unmatched integrity and energy.
The World's Largest Service Club Organization
With 46,000 clubs and 1.35 million members make teh Lions the world's largest service club organization - and also one of the most effective. Lions do whatever is needed to help their local communities. Everywhere we work, we make friends. With children who need eyeglasses, with seniors who don’t have enough to eat and with people we may never meet.
The Olds Lions Club has been proudly serving the community of Olds and surrounding district since 1968.
If you are interested in joining please contact Henry at czarnota@telus.net.

Olds Minor Baseball

Olds Minor Baseball local and volunteer-based association serving Olds an area serving more than 250 youth baseball players during the 2022 season. 
Spitfire Baseball exists to foster and encourage the growth, development, and joy of baseball from its grassroots programming to  community-based programming, all the way through and including the AA and AAA competitive streams.
Various volunteer opportunities are available at the onset and throughout the baseball season including coaching, managing, diamond maintenance, scorekeeping, etc. Community members who are looking for volunteer opportunities are encouraged to contact spitfirespresident@gmail.com.

Olds Minor Hockey

The Olds Minor Hockey Association in active partnership with players, coaches, families, and the community are committed to fostering the values of fairness, sportsmanship, safety, and leadership to all members of the OMHA.

Olds Minor Hockey Association is interested in coaches and board of director volunteers. Volunteer inquiries can email oldsminorhockey@gmail.com or visit www.oldsminorhockey.com for more information. 

Olds Minor Lacrosse

Olds Minor Lacrosse Association has been around since 2003.
The association consists of a board of nine members with half of them roataing every two years. They are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasure, Scheduler, Equipment Manager, Registrar: Player/Coach dev, Website/media.
The group meets once a month from October to July with an AGM at the end of June. The season starts mid March with games starting mid April and going until Late June and sometimes into July.
The age groups are 6U, 8U,10U,12U,14U,16U and 18U, averaging around 80 to 100 kids playing every year.  
For more info on anything please contact us at oldslacrossepresident@gmail.com or visit http://oldslacrosse.ca/.

Olds Rotary Club 

The club meets every Thursday morning at Smitty's Restaurant located at 4513 52 Ave #18 Olds.  Breakfast costs $12.00 for a buffet.  The meeting starts at 7 am and ends at 8 am. Please join in on a regular meeting anytime. Rotarians are very proud of the community, vocational and international projects and activities they undertake. Through the enthusiastic cooperation and support of our members, businesses and the Olds community at large, Rotary in Olds is FUN . . . with a Purpose.
Email: rotaryclubofolds@gmail.com

Snow Angels

Volunteers are needed to help shovel walks for seniors and those needing a hand in our community.

  • To become a  volunteer snow angel, please contact emailcommunityservices@olds.ca or call Apryl Webb at 403-556-6981, ext 4847. You will be paired up with someone that could really use your help. 
  • If you are in need of a Snow Angel please contact emailcommunityservices@olds.ca or call Apryl Webb at 403-556-6981, ext 4847 to register with Family and Community Support Services (FCSS). 

Snow that remains on sidewalks is hazardous for everyone, but especially for people with limited mobility who may be severely injured from a fall on ice or snow. Our community will be safer and more accessible if we can keep sidewalks, walkways and driveways clear of snow. Small acts of kindness change the world.