Trails and Pathways

We love our Trail System!

The Town's trail system consists more than 20 kilometres of both paved and unpaved trails, and routes are incorporated by town streets. Trails wind through parks and natural areas, providing a wonderful experience to users. 

Winter Maintenance

The Parks Department works hard to ensure sidewalks, trails and pathways are maintained and kept accessible to all residents.  

  • Routes on Highway 27 (46 Sreet), main collectors and schools take priority
  • Plowing on the Purple and Red Routes can start as early as 6:00 AM (see the Priority Map to view the routes)

Winter Maintenance Maps and More

To see the routes, visit the Town of Olds Winter Maintenance Map. Then select the “Winter Maintenance” tab at the top of the webpage and look for Trails and Pathways.

Winter Trail Maintenance Map

Winter Sidewalk and Trail Maintenance FAQs

  • How do I report an unclear sidewalk?

    • If the sidewalk is beside a residential property or a business, please call Municipal Enforcement non-emergency 24-hour compliant line at 587.796.1193 or visit for more information.
    • If the sidewalk is not near a residential property, please submit a request via our Report a Problem service.
  • Which trails/sidewalks/pathways get cleared first?

    • Trails/sidewalks, and pathways are based on a priority system to ensure the highest traffic pathways are maintained first. Priorities are established to provide the greatest benefit to much of the travelling public.
      • Priority 1 (Purple) – High traffic, Highway 27 (46 Street), main collectors, and school routes
      • Priority 2 (Red, Yellow, Green Routes) – Lower traffic
  • Will the trails, sidewalks and pathways be plowed over the weekend?

    • No snow plowing shall take place on weekends or statutory holidays unless required to meet within the 48-hour clearance requirement in the Community Standards Bylaw.
  • Do Town Crews clear sidewalks and pathways at the Library, Cadet Hall, Museum and aquatic Center on weekends?

    • No, these locations are not typically cleared on weekends unless necessary to meet the 48-hour snow removal requirement outlined in the Community Stands Bylaw.
  • Do Town Crews Clear In Front Of Community Mailboxes?

    • In the Town of Olds, sidewalk, and walkway maintenance in front of community mailboxes is the responsibility of Canada Post. While the Town clears snow and ice from public roads, sidewalks and pathways, Canada Post is responsible for ensuring safe access to their mailboxes, including snow removal and maintenance in these areas.

    • If you have concerns about snow or ice buildup around a community mailbox, please contact Canada Post directly. You can submit a Canada Post Service Request by visiting their webpage.

  • What materials does the Town use for ice mitigation on pathways and sidewalks?

    • For ice mitigation, the Town uses a mix of rock chips and a small amount of salt. The salt is used as needed to help melt ice and snow, but we keep its use to a minimum to avoid potential damage to people, pets and the environment. Rock chips provide added traction on slippery surfaces, making pathways and sidewalks safer for pedestrians.
  • Who clears the snow on the pedestrian islands along Highway 27 (46 ST) and when do they get cleared?

    • The town maintains the pedestrian islands at the intersection of 50 Avenue, 57 Avenue and 65 Avenue along Highway 27 (46 Street). These are cleared at the same time as the Purple routes.
  • How long after a snow fall do I have to shovel my sidewalks?

    • The Town of Olds requires property owners and renters to remove snow, ice, and slush from their sidewalks within 48 hours of the last snowfall. Sidewalks are considered properly cleared when the entire width of the surface is clean. If the property owner or renter is absent, they must arrange for the sidewalks to be maintained.

    • *It is important to note that snow cannot be placed on public sidewalks, alleys, roadways, or streets from private property or sidewalks. Failure to comply may result in fines, and the Town may hire a contractor to clear the snow at the property owner’s expense*

Nordic Ski Trails

Trail Creek Trails

Mountain View Nordic Ski Club sets the track and maintains the trails.

Directions: From Olds, head South to the elevator, turn West on Twp 324, go past RR30 and the Gordon Ingram Farm, then turn North on the gasfield service road for approximately 1 km. Please mind the gates. Membership recommended.

Parking: Look for the PARK signs at the trailhead, and farther North at the fork in the road. Please do not block the oilfield road - it is an active wellsite.

The trails are maintained by volunteers with the Mountain View Nordic Ski Club. 

The Town of Olds thanks the dedicated volunteers who set and maintain the ski trails for community use.

For more information on the Mountain View Nordic Ski Club, email, visit the club's  website or follow their Facebook page.

Walking/Biking Trails

These shared pathways and trails can be used for both recreation and commuting,  allowing you to safely enjoy the outdoors - on your bike, on foot, or with your dog. Remember - Share the Trail.

Imperial Loop est 3.2 km

Sierra Loop est 3.5 km

Deer Meadow Loop est 3.3 km

Hartman Green - Centennial Loop est 2.5 km

Deer Ridge Loop est 2.25 km

Please note: This trail extends into a newer area of Olds that has not been completely mapped out by Google Maps. Only a portion of this loop is showing in the above interactive map.

The purple line on the image to the right shows an approximation of the full loop.






Olds Rocks Sculpture Path

Rotary Athletic Park Pathways - est 2.2 km

Off-Leash Dog Park - est 2.8 km