Utility Rates

The Town of Olds operates its utility system (storm water management, water distribution, waste water collection, and solid waste management) on a ‘cost-recovery’ basis.  Tax dollars are not used to subsidize the utility rates.

There are two components to utility rates:

Flat Fee

The water and waste water flat rate is intended to pay for the existence of the utility infrastructure. It includes such things as staffing costs, administrative costs, licenses, insurance, provision of equipment, regional partnership costs, amortization and debenture costs.

The solid waste rate is a flat rate each month. It covers all costs relating to the collection and disposal of recycling material, composting material and waste material that falls under the Town’s responsibility.

Metered Consumption Rate

The water and waste water consumption rate is intended to pay for the use of the utility infrastructure. It includes such things as repairs and maintenance, utility costs, supplies, capital costs, the cost of purchasing water from the Mountain View Regional Water Services Commission and the cost for the South Red Deer Regional Wastewater Commission to transport and treat the town’s waste water.

2025 Residential Rates

WATER - Flat fee


WATER - Metered consumption


WATER - Metered Consumption

$3.19 per cubic meter





WASTEWATER - Metered consumption*

$4.77 per cubic meter

SOLID WASTE - Collection and Disposal


For more information please visit the Town of Olds Water Bylaw and Wastewater Bylaw.

Also see the Town of Olds Rates Bylaw.