

The Town of Olds provides utility connection/disconnection and billing services. All meters are read on a monthly basis. Bills are normally mailed by the 10th of the month and are due the first working day of the following month. A penalty of 1.5% is applied to all overdue accounts.

Usage Concerns

If your water usage seems too high:

  • Check taps, toilets, faucets, pipes, hoses, water softeners, water filters, humidifiers, and sprinkler systems for possible leaks. Any type of malfunction with your water softeners, humidifiers, irrigation system or air conditioning systems could be very costly.

  • Put food colouring in your toilet tank and if it seeps in the toilet bowl without flushing there is a leak.
  • Check your water filter system, these units can automatically go on "self-clean" mode, consuming thousands of litres of water daily.

Conserve Water and Save Money - Download the EVERY DROP COUNTS BROCHURE

Did you know?

One low flush toilet can have up to 8.6 m3 of water leak through per day, which is approximately 259 m3 per month; using the 2019 usage rates for both water and sewer, this usage equates to approx. $1,870 of un-intentional water and sewer charges. See the Toilet Replacement Program section toward the bottom of this page to see if you are eligible to recieve a toilet replacement rebate. 

A quick way to confirm leaks

Take a look at your water meter. If the dial or the flow indicator (a small rotating wheel or triangle) is moving, and you aren't using any water at the time, you have a leak somewhere inside or outside your home.

Utility Connection Requests

Moving to Olds?

You will need to set up a utilities account to receive water services and solid waste collection. Please note only PROPERTY OWNERS can fill out the utilities application form. Please see Tenant information below if you are renting. 

Setting up an account can be done two different ways.

1. Online application using this WebForm

2. Filling out a paper form

Curbside Carts

Your new-to-you home should come with a recycling cart, a garbage cart and a compost cart for your curbside collection. If your residence does not have one or any of these carts, please contact our Finance Department, at 403-556-6981.

Change of Address/Service Disconnection Requests

Moving to Olds?

Fill out a new application form for your new home.
a. Complete the online application form, or
b. Print and fill this pdf utilities application form and email it to utilities@olds.ca or drop off at the Town of Olds administration building.

Leaving Olds or Changing Your Address?

If you are moving out of Olds, or moving to another location within the town, you will need to close your current account and open a new one.

a. Complete this Change Of Address/Cancellation of Service Web Form, or
b. Contact our Finance Department at 403-556-6981 at least two weeks prior to moving to give us your mailing address for your final bill and to ensure a final meter read is completed.

Curbside collection carts stay with the property.


Go paperless with e-billing! 

The Town of Olds is proud to be able to offer to our residents the option of receiving your monthly utility bill via email. 

  1. Login to your Virtual City hall account and select 'e-billing', or
  2. Fill and submit the E-Billing Application WebForm

Tenant Information

As per the Town of Olds Water and Wastewater bylaw 2018-45 utility accounts can only be opened in the name of the property owner.

If you are a tenant and would like to receive a copy of the utility bill for the home you are renting, the owner must fill out the tenant section on this Utilities Application WebForm.

Also available is a printable utility application form. Email it to utilities@olds.ca or drop it off at the Town of Olds administration building.

Toilet Replacement Program

A toilet can waste thousands of litres of water every year, figuratively flushing your money down the drain. New six-litre toilets with proven technology can give the same results with less water, saving up to two-thirds water with every flush, and saving you up to $100 per year in water and sewer charges.

The Toilet Replacement Program gives Olds citizens an opportunity to recieve a toilet replacement rebate for replacing old toilets with new water saving toilets. 

How it works

Step 1 - Determine Eligibilty

  • Current Town of Olds Water & Wastewater Utility customer
  • Utility Account in good standing
  • Replace a 13-litre or 20-litre toilet

(PLEASE NOTE: homes built and renovations completed AFTER January 1, 2007 are NOT eligible for rebates under the Town of Olds Water Conservation Bylaw.)

STEP 2 - Purchase New Water-Saving Toilet

Eligible Toilets:

Six-litre (6L), 4.5-litre or three-litre / six-litre (3L/6L) dual flush toilets. Sales receipts must be included with your application. Maximum of five toilet replacement Rebates per Utility account.

STEP 3 - Toilet Disposal

 Dispose of toilet appropriately (landfill).

STEP 4 - Application for Rebate

Complete the Toilet Replacement Program Application Form

  • Toilet replacement Rebates are processed on a first-come, first-processed basis.
  • Incomplete applications will be returned/rejected. Applicants must resubmit complete forms.
  • Retroactive applications may also be accepted dated January 1, 2007 onward.
  • One application form must be completed for each toilet replacement Rebate.
  • Maximum of five toilet replacement rebates per utility account.
  • Rebate amount: $50.00 per toilet.

Contact Us

The Town of Olds financial services team is available Monday through Friday to:

  • answer your water, wastewater, garbage and recycling billing questions; and
  • manage your account and services.

To access your Utility Account online, please visit Virtual City Hall.

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.




403-556-6981 (Payment and Billing Inquiries)


4512 46 Street, Olds, AB T4H 1R5