Sharing Pathways and Trails

Olds has more than 20 km of shared pathways and shared trails to enjoy! 
Shared pathways can be used for both recreation and commuting. They allow residents of Olds to safely enjoy the outdoors - on your bike, on foot, or with your dog.
Let’s learn to use the ‘Language of the Path’ to communicate clearly and stay safe on our shared pathways.
On Your Bike:

  • Ring your bell to pass
  • Pass on the left
  • Slow down and use caution

On Foot:

  • Move right so that others can safely pass
  • Be aware and listen for people passing

With Your Dog:

  • Keep your dog leashed unless in an off-leash area
  • Ensure your dog does not lunge at others
  • Ensure you dog is always under control 
  • Ensure that the dog is on a short leash

Shared Pathways may be paved; off-street paths made for many activities. You can bike, walk, run, scoot, blade, and more (unless otherwise indicated by signage).
Shared Trails are paths that are typically hard packed with gravel, wood chips or dirt. You can bike, walk, run and more except where otherwise indicated by local signage.
Parks and trails are monitored by Community Peace Officers, who provide bylaw enforcement and education to trail and park users.
Trail and Shared Pathway Safety
People on bikes are responsible for the following these rules:

  • Bicycles must have a working bell. Under the traffic safety act, Peace Officers can issue an $81-ticket to trail users who do not have one.
  • Bike riders must sound their bell before passing slower trail users. Peace Officers can issue an $81-ticket under the traffic safety act to trail users who fail to alert people ahead of them before passing.
  • Slow down when you approach slower users and pass on the left side.
  • Obey trail signs and park closures.
  • A person shall not ride a bicycle at night unless the bicycle has the following:
    • at least one headlamp but not more than 2 headlamps;
    • at least one red tail lamp;
    • at least one red reflector mounted on the rear.
  • A person shall not ride a bicycle unless the bicycle has a brake

Safety Helmets

  • No person who is less than 18 years old shall operate or ride as a passenger on a bicycle unless that person is properly wearing a safety helmet
  • A parent or guardian of a person who is less than 18 years old shall not authorize or knowingly permit the person to operate or ride as a passenger on a bicycle unless that person is properly wearing a safety helmet.
  • No person shall operate a bicycle on which a passenger who is less than 18 years old is riding unless the passenger is properly wearing a safety helmet.