Building Permit FAQ
What is the process for getting permits?
- Fill out the application forms (above) and submit all required plans to the Planning Department.
- If you will be digging, request locates. Locates must be available on site while work is being done.
- If the project is commercial, complete a fire safety plan. This is not required for residential projects.
- An invoice will be e-mailed to you for permit fees and security deposits. All fees must be paid before the permit is issued.
- There is a 21-day appeal period following a decision for Development Permits.
- If your permits have been approved, you will receive them along with a Plan Review. This is an overview of what has been approved and will describe when an inspection is needed.
- Inspections will be performed by our certified Safety Codes Officer.
- After work is completed to Town standards, any security deposits will be returned to you.
Do I need permits to demolish or rebuild something?
Yes - if you plan to demolish something larger than 144 ft2.
Even though it's a demolition, we still require:
- a Building Permit (to make sure Alberta Building Code standards are followed); and
- Demolition Permit.
You will be asked to contact your utility providers to disconnect all services before the permit can be issued, and to have a plan to dispose of materials.
If you want to rebuild, please fill out a separate set of building and development forms (above) for the new building.
Please download the Demolition application package.
Can exceptions be made to the Land Use Bylaw?
In some cases, a Development Officer or the Town Council may be able to grant a relaxation.
Please fill out a Relaxation / Variance Form.
What if my permits aren't approved?
Once the Approval Authority makes a decision, there is a 21 day appeal period.
Appeals can also be made to the regional Appeals Board. This is a separate group serving 18 different municipalities in Central Alberta. For more information please click the link.
How long will it take to receive my permits?
Simple permits can be approved in a week by Planning & Development department staff.
How much time do I have to complete the work?
You have one year from the day your Development Permit is issued to complete the work.
If I hire a contractor, do they need licences?
They will need a current Business Licence to operate in the Town of Olds.
They may also require provincial licences. Please check with your contractor to ensure they have the required licences.
How do I find my property lines?
Please contact a legal Alberta Land Surveyor.
How do I find the zoning of my property?
Check the Town of Old's Land Use District (zoning) map.
What if I already started building without permits?
Permits can still be issued after work has begun, but you may be asked to change elements of the design, or even to remove new structures if they don't comply with the safety codes and Land Use Bylaw.
We highly recommend obtaining all permits before starting the work because it can be much more difficult to find all the needed information after - especially if the permits are requested when you sell the property years later.
If I'm building multiple projects, do I need multiple permits?
Yes - please see the section above and fill out all forms for each project you'll be completing. Each of the forms has different details needed to review and approve the permits.
Planning and Development staff may be able to combine the application fees for you if your project has multiple elements.
What is an off-site levy?
An off-site levy is a fee charged by the Town to help pay for expanding municipal services, such as water, sewer and roads.
Do I need a permit to relocate a building?
Yes - please fill in a Development Permit application.