Family and Community Support Services (FCSS)

Family and Community Support Services 

People are at the heart of everything we do at Olds FCSS. We strive to provide and connect our community with the services and programs designed to positively affect the quality of life of individuals and families in Olds. We are here to help.


Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is a partnership between municipal and provincial governments; established to develop, support and fund preventive social programming to enhance the well-being of individuals, families and communities. You will find the Town of Olds FCSS staff at the Community Connection Centre located at 4911 - 51 Ave. 


Contact us at 403-556.7480 or

FCSS Support Request Form


External Grant Program

The Town of Olds accesses FCSS provincial funds to support eligible local agencies and contributes additional County funds to these organizations. We also administer the FCSS program directly, funding programs like Seniors Support Services, Information and Referral Services to provide year-round community support.

The provincial FCSS Program Handbook and Family and Community Support Services Act are available on the Alberta Human Services website.

Apply for 2025 FCSS Funding:  Applications are CLOSED

Reopen for the 2026 funding year in October 2025. 

The Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) program is inviting applications for funding in the 2025 funding year. FCSS promotes and enhances the well-being of families and communities by supporting programs that help individuals adopt healthy lifestyles, improve their quality of life, and build resilience.

Eligible programs may include initiatives that:

  • Help communities identify social needs and develop responses
  • Promote volunteer work in the community
  • Inform the public about available services
  • Support children and families' social development
  • Help families strengthen family life and function effectively
  • Enhance the quality of life for retired and semi-retired people

Questions or Inquiries?

For more information contact by phone 403.556.7480 or by email

**All FCSS applications received in the region are vetted by County of Mountain View.**

Eligible Services

FCSS uses a “people helping people to help themselves” approach and offers a wide range of programs and services at the community level.  Please refer to the FCSS Program Advice Inventory Listing (included in chapter five of the FCSS Program Handbook) for additional information.


Examples of the services and projects offered at the local level through FCSS are:

1. Services to assist communities to identify their social needs and develop responses to meet those needs, including:

  • raising public awareness around community issues,
  • developing strategies for community advocacy,
  • developing comprehensive community social plans and initiatives,
  • environmental scans, service reviews, strategic planning, program planning,
  • in-kind support to community-based groups (until they are able to sustain themselves) such as provision of office space, printing, photocopying, help with preparing proposals, etc;

2. Services to promote, encourage and support volunteer work in the community, including:

  • recruitment, training and placement services,
  • resources to support volunteers,
  • volunteer recognition,
  • coordination of volunteer services;

3. Services to inform the public of available services, including:

  • information and referral services,
  • community information directories,
  • newcomer services,
  • interagency coordination;

4. Services that promote the social development of children and their families, including:

  • parent-child development activities,
  • early childhood development services for children aged 0-6 (excluding childcare),
  • support services for young children aged 6-12;

5. Services that enrich and strengthen family life by developing skills so people can function more effectively within their own environment, including:

  • mentoring programs,
  • parenting and family life education and development programs,
  • programs for single adults and single parents,
  • courses designed to enhance self-awareness and personal growth,
  • individual, family and group counselling services that are educational and not treatment oriented, or - youth development and leadership services;

6. Services that enhance the quality of life of the retired and semi-retired, including:

  • home support services,
  • education and information services,
  • coordination of senior’s services and programs, or
  • self-help socialization activities.

Ineligible Services

Services provided under an FCSS program must not:

  • provide primarily for recreational needs or leisure time pursuits

  • offer direct assistance, including money, food, clothing or shelter, to sustain an individual or family • be primarily rehabilitative in nature, or

  • duplicate services that are the responsibility of government or government agency.

Section 4 of the FCSS Regulation states that expenditures of the program shall not include:

(a) the purchase of land or buildings,

 (b) the construction or renovation of a building,

(c) the purchase of motor vehicles,

(d) any costs required to sustain an organization that do not relate to direct service delivery under the program,

(e) municipal property taxes and levies, or

(f) any payments to a member of a board or committee other than reimbursement for expenses referred to in Section 3(l).


Eligibility Assessment Tool

Here's a four-stage eligibility assessment tool that can be used to assist in determining if a project or funding request fits the FCSS eligibility criteria:

1. Is the project or service preventive?  Does it enhance the social well being of families and individuals?  Does it have preventive social support outcomes? (The answer to all of the above should be “yes”.)

2. Does the project or service result in at least one of the following outcomes?

  •  self-reliance, resiliency and ability to function in a positive manner

  •  development of positive social relationships

  •  community engagement and inclusion

  •  support to remain an active in the community

  •  address social issues and influence change

 (The answer should be "yes" to at least one of these outcomes.)

3.  Is the service or project:

  • primarily a recreation, leisure, entertainment or sporting activity or event?

  •  offer direct assistance, including money, food, clothing or shelter?

  •  primarily rehabilitative, therapeutic or crisis management?

  •  a duplication of a service provided by any level of government?

  •  a capital expenditure like the purchase of a building or vehicle?

(The answer should be "no" to all of these questions.)