Public Engagement

Have your voice heard!

The Town of Olds seeks to engage citizens when planning the community's future.

Feedback gathered from the public helps council and administration make more informed decisions that are aligned with the community's values. Thank you for taking the time to share your opinions, they truly do make a difference!



If you notice something in your community or have a suggestion on how to improve services, please submit a Report-a-Problem form so we can take action.

Active Engagments:

Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) Update - Survey Coming June 2025

BREWD Survey - Until February 28, 2025

Results & Complete Engagements:

Public Hearings

Previous Budget Surveys & Engagements 


Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) Update - Survey Coming June 2025

Project Overview

The Town of Olds is working with ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. (ISL) to review and update the Town’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB). These are two important documents that shape how our community grows and develops.

What is the purpose of a Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw?

The MDP:
  • Guides how our community will grow in the future.
  • Includes goals about how we move around the community, how land will be used in the future, and how we will protect the environment.
The LUB:
  • Makes rules about how the land can be used that decide where things like homes, stores, and parks can go. These rules determine the size of properties, the size and height of buildings, and the distance that buildings need to be from roads or other buildings.
  • Outlines the process for how the community makes decisions on proposed developments.

Why is the Town updating its MDP and LUB?

The current MDP was approved in 2020. Some updates are needed to make sure the MDP addresses community needs and considers current development trends.

The current LUB was originally adopted in 2001 but has had many small changes over the years. Now, the whole document is being updated to make the rules easier to understand and make sure they follow legislation set by the Province of Alberta.

You can learn about and review the current MDP and LUB here:

Updating Sections of the MDP and LUB

The Town and ISL will be completing the following steps to update the MDP and LUB:

  • Reviewing the content and structure of the current MDP and LUB, focusing on sections that may be outdated based on current community needs, development trends, and recent changes to provincial laws and legislation.
  • Preparing draft changes to the MDP and LUB.
  • Presenting the proposed changes to the community to gather feedback for consideration when finalizing the changes.
  • Preparing new drafts of the MDP and LUB.
  • Presenting the draft MDP and LUB to Council for consideration and approval.

Project Timeline

The project began in October 2024 and is expected to be completed by September 2025.

Stay Informed!

In June 2025, the project team will share the proposed changes for the MDP and LUB and gather your feedback. Town residents, interest holders, administration, and Council will be invited to share feedback through a combination of in-person and online opportunities. Your feedback will be used to inform the final changes to the MDP and LUB.

More information about June engagement opportunities will be shared in the coming months.

Let’s shape the future of Olds together!

Business Retention, Expansion and Workforce Development (BREWD) Survey

Invest Olds is committed to supporting local businesses. To better understand your needs and challenges, we invite you to participate in the Business Retention, Expansion and Workforce Development (BREWD) Survey.

This survey will help us:

  • Improve the local business environment.
  • Provide better support for your business growth.

The survey ends February 28, 2025.

Take the Survey Today!


    See the Notice of Public Hearings page for current information.

    See below for Engagements from 2024 and earlier.

    Annual Budget Survey & Engagements

    Annual Budget Survey Engagement

    Each year as part of the budget process Council reviews all of the programs and services the Town provides. Provincial legislation requires municipalities to have a balanced budget.

    Previous Engagements, Surveys and Results

    Public Forum Regarding Material Change to Olds Fibre Ltd. (O-Net) (2024)

    The Town of Olds has reached a deal with Telus Communications to buy O-NET (known officially as Olds Fibre LTD.), a municipally controlled corporation.
    As per the requirements of the Municipal Government Act, the Town of Olds provided an opportunity for the public to provide feedback on this decision. A public forum and information session was held Tuesday, November 5th at 3:00 PM in the Town of Olds Council Chambers.

    Read the meeting agenda package prepared for the meeting on November 5

    Members from the Town, O-NET, and Telus were on hand to provide further information and answer questions.
    Registration was required to speak at the meeting, to submit statements, or ask questions before the meeting. The deadline to register to speak was Friday, November 1 at 3:00 PM.

    Those who registered were allotted 3-5 minutes to make a statement. It was not a Q&A. Meaning, there was not a response immediately given to speakers. But there was an attempt to answer all comments/questions in opening and closing remarks by the Town and/or Telus.

    Read the the Public Notice regarding this Public Forum from October 1, 2024.

    Olds Sportsplex Facility Lifecycle Assessment and Feasibility Study Results (2024)

    To view these results, please visit the Olds Sportsplex webpage.

    Northeast Area Structure Plan Engagement (2024)

    Do you want to have a say in how the Town of Olds grows?  The Town has started creating a new long-term plan for lands on the northeast part of the Town. This plan will support new industrial and commercial growth, and will:

    • Set a long-term plan for growth in the area
    • Support transportation, environment, and economic growth
    • Lay out types and locations of potential development
    • Respect neighbouring property owners

    Results from this engagement will be posted on the website and shared on social media once complete. 

    Learn more about the Town's Municipal Development Plan.

    Read the original news release on the long-term development plans for this new development. 

    Community Policing Survey (2024)

    The Town partnered with Western Management Consultants (WMC), funded by a special grant, to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of our current and future policing needs. WMC collected data from different groups, businesses, and individuals to provide better insight into any issues and possible policing solutions. The aim was to gain a clear understanding of the policing services in the community, as well as assess the value of money invested in these services. The survey closed February 12, 2024.  Read the News Release here.


    In 2023, the Town of Olds commissioned a review of its policing services to assess their effectiveness, efficiency, and fit with the Town’s values and needs. Western Management Consultants, assisted by Applications  Management, was engaged to do this work.  The project looked at existing practices and evaluated them against similar municipalities and the future needs of the Town. The residents of Olds were important stakeholders in this work, and the views of citizens were gathered through both survey and consultation processes. The project's main outcome was to find out if the current policing model is the best fit or if the Town should consider other options.

    Visit the links to see the full report (PDF) and the executive summary (PDF). 

    Key Findings:

    Residents of Olds believe they live in a safe community. Yet, many are not fully aware of how the police services  are managed, and there’s little desire to switch from using the RCMP to having a local town police force. Crime levels in Olds are as low or lower than in similar towns, with crime rates trending down. There is more non-violent crime in the Town, but fewer violent incidents in comparison to similar towns. The Town of Olds spends  less money on protective services than other similar towns.  There are general concerns reported among people in Olds about police visibility and consistency in traffic enforcement.


    Maintain its current contractual arrangement with the RCMP for the provision of policing services. Improve communications about safety initiatives, policing activities, and related information. This could be accomplished by using social media programs, regular citizen surveys, and public consultations. Be more proactive in involving its citizens in the development and policing and safety policies. Improve police capacity to address concerns about visibility and response to minor incidents by increasing the number of peace officers and assisting the RCMP to fill its full staffing complement.

    Olds Active Mobility Transportation Study (2024)

    The Town of Olds is looking to improve the experience of walking, biking and rolling for residents and seasonal students in the Town to strengthen connections with communities within the Town and the region.
    To extend the reach of the ideas and provide further opportunities for engagement, the Town has conducted an online public survey to better understand the barriers facing residents who use the active transportation network. 

    This engagement is now complete. The Town of Olds will publish the results of this study once they become available. 

    Housing Need Assessment Survey (2023)

    The purpose of the Housing Needs Assessment was to help the Town understand the local housing situation and provide objective data and analysis to prospective housing developers. This report was presented to Council at its meeting on October 10, 2023.

    The report confirms many issues that were suspected, including:

    • There is a housing shortage across virtually all sectors, including rental units, seniors, students, and starter homes. 
    • Housing inventory is highly concentrated in the single detached realm and new builds are predominantly 'higher end' homes. 
    • There are a significant number of older homes, which could mean a reduction on housing stock as these are demolished or abandoned. 
    • Community engagement was undertaken, and there was an overwhelming consensus that housing affordability and shortages are primary issues.

    This report has been shared with key stakeholders locally and in the development community.

    Learn more about this project here.


    Traffic Speed Adjustments (2022)

    Olds Municipal Enforcement conducted public engagement regarding traffic speed in the Town of Olds. The survey showed considerable support for the conversion of school zones to playground zones.

    Read the survey results / presentation to Council (Nov, 2022)

    Mountain View Regional Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan (2021)

    The purpose of this project is to develop a regional parks, recreation, and culture master plan for the Towns of Olds, Didsbury, Carstairs and Sundre, Village of Cremona, and Mountain View County (known as the Municipal Partners). This plan will provide guidance to the Municipal Partners in making decisions that best meet the needs of their residents. Facilities and programming related to parks, recreation and culture will be the main focus of the plan.

    Results of the surveys and public engagement sessions were presented to regional councils in November, 2021. The presentation to Olds Town Council was Nov. 22. In addition to the final version of the regional master plane, council was also presented with a Case for Tourisms and Strategic Recommendations. Both documents are available below.

    Final Mountain View Master Plan

    Mountain View Region Case for Tourism and Strategic Recommendations

    Presentation to Council

    Curbside Bin Schedule (2021)

    Town maintains a three-week cycle for Garbage, Recycling and Compost -Week 1 Black Bin (Trash), Week 2 Blue Bin (Recycle) and Week 3 Green Bin (Compost. Then the cycle repeats. 

    Consideration is being given to changing the three-week cycle to a two-week cycle which would resemble the following scenario:

    Week 1: Black Bin (Garbage) pickup. Week 2: Combined Blue Bin/Green Bin pickup.

    This cycle would repeat every two weeks. The proposed two-week cycle would cost households an additional $8.60 per month. 


    Participation in this survey was high with 1468 responses. 65% of respondents wanted to keep the current schedule the same, with a three-week rotation. Not wanting additional costs, the desire to keep garbage out of the landfill and the current system meeting their needs were the top reasons noted.

    Read the survey results report Here

    Town of Olds Business Impact Survey (2021)

    A top priority during the Covid-19 crisis is to reduce the negative impact it has on your business. Your input is incredibly valuable and will provide information on how the Town could further support local businesses. 

    This survey closed on April 28th, 2021, results were shared May 10th, 2020 Council meeting.


    RCMP Policing Priorities Survey (2021)

    Every year the Olds Detachment reaches out to residents and businesses to help determine policing priorities for our Community. Policing priorities ensure that in addition to responding to calls for service, members focus on the policing issues most important to the public.

    Read the Survey results here

    How do I submit a petition?

    A petition is a written request signed by electors (residents of Olds), which is then presented to Town Council. This is a process outlined by the Alberta Municipal Government Act. For petitions to be considered, they must meet certain requirements:

    • Must be signed by 10% of eligible electors.  An elector:
      • is at least 18 years old,
      • is a Canadian citizen, and
      • resides in Olds when they signed the petition.
    • Must meet the form set out in Section 219 – 226, 232 and 234 of the Municipal Government Act.

    Prior to collecting signatures for a petition, it is strongly recommended to review the legislation or contact legal counsel to ensure the petition meets all legislative requirements.

    A petition must come from the community to ensure it reflects the genuine concerns and interests of residents, not the influence of the municipality.
    According to Alberta's Municipal Government Act, municipalities must remain impartial in such processes and cannot initiate or lead petitions to maintain fairness and accountability in governance. This ensures that democratic principles are upheld, and decisions are driven by public interest.