Council Highlights
May 13, 2024
Below is a quick summary of Council discussions and decisions at the May 13, 2024, Regular Council meeting.
Community Policing Business Case – Western Management Consultants (WMC)
Western Management Consultants completed a study analyzing the effectiveness and efficiency of the current RCMP contract. Key findings showed that residents feel safe, crime rates are low, and there is little desire to switch from the RCMP. However, concerns were raised about police visibility and traffic enforcement. The report and its recommendations are available at
Council Remuneration Review Committee Report
The Remuneration Committee reviewed the roles and compensation of the mayor and councillors in comparison to 17 similar municipalities. They examined current policies, interviewed council members, and assessed various expenses and benefits. Council accepted the report for information and will review the recommendations at a future Council meeting.
Emergency Management Agency – Annual Update
Stephanie Bibault, Director of Emergency Management, updated Council on recent activities and changes to the Town’s emergency planning. Key activities in 2024 included multiple tabletop exercises and ongoing staff training to achieve ICS-300 qualification by year-end.
Protective Services Quarterly Report (Q4 2023 & Q1 2024)
Director Justin Andrew updated Council on 2023 and Q1 2024 statistics for the Olds Fire Department and Municipal Enforcement. In Q4 2023, the Fire Department responded to 88 incidents, focusing on winter motor vehicle collisions. Municipal Enforcement addressed community concerns, targeted repeat offenders, and educated the public on new Playground Zones. They collaborated with the RCMP and FCSS to support the homeless and prioritized rewriting bylaws due to increased non-compliance and court challenges.
In Q1 2024, the Fire Department handled 80 incidents, primarily highway-related calls. They partnered with the University of Alberta on a drone program and continued the successful Fire Cadet program. Municipal Enforcement experienced minimal snow removal events, with only the initial Uptowne event resulting in 28 vehicles ticketed and towed. They focused on traffic-related issues and non-compliance parking, and improved problem reporting streamlined bylaw complaints to a dedicated complaint line, enhancing the remediation process.
2024-19 Council Ad Hoc Committee & Appointments Passed
The Ad Hoc Committee, consisting of three Council members, will examine and potentially update the Council Code of Conduct Bylaw. This initiative aims to ensure the bylaw remains relevant and effective, reflecting the values and expectations of the community.
Bylaw Amendments to address Homelessness and Public Camping in Olds
There has been an increase in encampments for unhoused people on Town-owned property and non-residential areas in Olds. To address these issues, the administration has proposed amendments to the Community Standards Bylaw, Traffic Bylaw, and Land Use Bylaw. Following a public hearing and input, the Council will consider the amendments for second and third readings. The Town is committed to maintaining community security and aesthetics while supporting at-risk citizens with appropriate resources.
Bylaw 2024-21 LUB 01-23 Amendment – Mixed-use Development (First Reading)
The Town received an application to amend the Land Use Bylaw for 5018 50 Avenue, adding "mixed use development" as a permitted use to allow three residential units at and below grade in addition to at-grade commercial use. The current C1 district permits "mixed use commercial at grade," but this does not cover the proposed development. Administration recommends amending the bylaw to include mixed use development with commercial use at grade to maintain Uptowne Olds as a vibrant commercial core. A public hearing will take place on June 10th, 2024 at 1pm in Council Chambers.
Mountain View Power Community 2024 Spring Grants
The MVP Community Grants Committee made the following recommendations to council, which were accepted:
- $20,000 Ecole Olds High School Leadership – You Matter Outdoor Wellness Space
- $10,000 Kiwanis Club of Olds – Warming Shack at Centennial Park
- $35,000 Mountain View Emergency Shelter – Kirsten’s Place Bedroom Furnishing
- $5,000 Reed Ranch School Playground
- $5,000 Rotary Club of Olds – Olds Creek Food Forest
Government of Alberta - Bill 20
Council approved sending a letter to the Premier of Alberta asking her to stop Bill 20 from approval due to the extensive concerns raised by municipal leaders across Alberta, including Olds council.
Development Permits
There were multiple development permits that were approved for housing developments. The Town of Olds is committed to realizing the vision of the East Olds Area Redevelopment Plan, which seeks to revitalize our oldest neighborhood while keeping the community’s character. Through promoting higher density developments in the transition area between East Olds and Uptowne, we are increasing the vibrancy and attractiveness for redevelopment. The Town of Olds is proud to work with its developer community to execute projects that help solve our housing challenges while respective and preserving the character of our older communities.