Council Highlights
April 8, 2024
Below is a quick summary of Council discussions and decisions at the April 8, 2024, Regular Council meeting.
Bylaw 2024-07 Waste Management: Bylaw 2024-07 was presented for Council’s consideration to replace the current waste management bylaw that was enacted in 2005. The new bylaw reflects the current environmental concerns, technological advancements, and waste management practices.
After reviewing the bylaw, Council suggested some adjustments and passed all three readings for Bylaw 2024-07 Waste Management, as amended.
Bylaw 2024-09 Water Bylaw: Administration introduced Bylaw 2024-09, which aims to replace the current bylaw relating to water, wastewater, and water conservation. However, Bylaw 2024-09 only covers water-related matters. Administration will present two other bylaws pertaining to wastewater and water conservation at a later date.
Council suggested changes and gave Bylaw 2024-09 its first reading, as amended. The bylaw will be brought back to a future meeting for further review along with the two other proposed bylaws. The current bylaw will be rescinded once all the bylaws receive three readings.
Bylaw 2024-16 Panhandling: At the Regular Council meeting held on March 25, 2024, Bylaw 2024-16 Panhandling was introduced and received its first and second readings.
This bylaw addresses panhandling for money in public areas. The primary concern in Olds is panhandling on private lands without prior written permission. Therefore, the bylaw has been amended to allow for exemptions from panhandling in public spaces. These exemptions provide flexibility and prevent an outright ban. Council moved to give Bylaw 2024-16 its third and final reading.
Bylaw 2024-15 Tax Rate Bylaw: Administration introduced options for 2024 tax rates for Council’s discussion. While Tax Rate Bylaw 2024-15 was presented to maintain the 2023 tax rate, two other tax rate options were presented. Administration also reported a 9.5% increase in Provincial Education Property Tax from last year. The Council chose to keep the same municipal tax rate as last year and gave Bylaw 2024-15 its first reading as presented. The bylaw will be brought back to the April 22, 2024, Council meeting for consideration of second and third readings.
Spring Budget Adjustments: Council approved adjustments to the 2024 approved Operating Budget in the amount of $659,247 for a total 2024 Operating Budget of $34,703,969 and adjustments to the 2024 approved Capital Budget in the amount of $1,596,331 for a total 2024 Capital Budget of $5,047,331.
Council also directed administration to prepare a summary of services and associated costs downloaded from the Province to the Town of Olds, as well as the impact of the carbon tax on the municipality, and to report back to Council by the end of May 2024.
The next regular Council meeting is scheduled for April 22, 2024, at 1:00 pm.