Inviting an Elected Official to an Event

Fill out the form below to invite an Elected Official to your event. Council considers every invitation and endeavours to attend as many community events as possible. You will receive a response from the Office of the CAO within two weeks acknowledging your request.

Please be advised that due to  the amount of requests, we ask that you submit a request or invitation a minimum of three weeks prior to the  date of the event if possible.

Note: Fields marked with an * are mandatory.


Contact Information
Event Details
i.e. Fundraiser/Networking/Service Club Meeting
Speaking Requirements
e.g. 5 minutes
Please include names and titles of all speakers
Town of Olds Affiliation
Business, Black Tie, Casual, Western, etc.
Background Information
(Please include names and titles)
(Please specify: Presentations may include awards certificates, etc.

Privacy Statement

The personal information on this form is collected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used in order to process this form. See the Town of Olds Privacy Policy for more information.