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Highways 27 and 2A are under provincial jurisdiction.  They are managed by Volker Stevin.  


Highway 27 and Canadian Pacific Local Rail Crossings

Highways 27 and 2A are under provincial jurisdiction.  They are managed by Volker Stevin.  

CP Rail Contact: Konark Pakkala (403-809-5979)  Town Contact: Adrian Pedro (403-507-4823)

Additional Questions or concerns can be directed to CP’s customer service line at:

Community Concerns:  1-800-766-7912

Public Safety (24/7):  1-800-716-9132



WHERE:  51 Avenue from 49 Street and 50 Street

WHEN:  December 2-6, 2024

Crews will be on site, please watch for signs.

Estimated time to repair: Approximately 5 days.


Outdoor Tap Pressure Testing 2024 - Weather Dependent

What is Outdoor Tap Pressure Testing?

The town will be conducting pressure testing until the end of September to try and locate additional leaks within our infrastructure system. This is very easy to do and is a important step to help us locate deficiencies within our system. Pressure testing has minimal impact and only takes a few minutes. Your understanding and cooperation during this process is appreciated so we can complete this process efficiently and address any problems.

Why is this happening?

Pressure Testing is an essential maintenance activity and commonly done by local governments everywhere. It helps us identify water leaks in both our water main pipes and in residential service connections to the water main. Water leaks cost taxpayers money and can cause damage to private property if not found and repaired.  This is an important action taken by the Town of Olds to identify and repair issues in our infrastructure for long-term solutions.  Town of Olds Approves Capital Budget Amendment to Combat Infrastructure Issues | Town of Olds

If you are interested in learning more about the importance of identifying water leaks and how these leaks impact tax payers and the financial well-being of the Town, please review our 2024 Financial Report

What can I expect?

Our operators are attaching a pressure gauge to the outdoor tap confirm what the holding pressure is within the home, this gives us a good indication if we need to proceed with additional investigation (listening on the curbstop). No digging is required. The pressure gauge has no effect on anything pressure related to the home and will not harm the water supply or sewer line in anyway.

If our operators experience any issues during pressure testing, we will ensure the resident is notified. It is very rare for the running of an outdoor tap to cause an issue.  If you are concerned about your tap, please contact the Operations team (contact information is below).  

What if a leak is found?

Should a leak be suspected, further investigation will occur and the property owner/resident will be notified of this further work.

What are my rights?

The Town has the right to access private land through both Water Bylaw – 2024-09 (s. 67 & 69) and the utility connection agreement all utility customers sign prior to receiving utility services from the Town.  It is part of the contract between residents and the Town to connect to our utility system.

We will not be entering anyone’s homes, referred to as “premises” in the bylaw.


We will be investigating these leaks starting in August 2024 on weekdays. When possible, specific locations will be shared on Facebook and through our Municipal Calendar.  You can subscribe to be alerted to these events at

Current Testing Timeline & Location: October 2-7 from 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM


If you have additional concerns, please contact the Operations team at (403) 556-6981 or by email at