Citizen Volunteer of the Year Nomination Form

Learn more about Volunteer of the Year here.

Applications close March 1, 2025

The Town of Olds invites your participation in nominating outstanding individuals from the Community of Olds for Citizen Volunteer of the Year, Youth Citizen Volunteer of the Year and Senior Citizen Volunteer of the year award. 

Selected recipients of the Senior Citizen, Citizen and Youth Citizen Volunteer of the Year will be recognized

at the Volunteer Appreciation Night held Annually in April.

Please email with any questions. 

Qualification Criteria for Volunteer of the Year

Citizen Volunteer of the Year

  • Demonstrates a willingness to consistently put community and people's needs ahead of their own.
  • Demonstrate a desire to make the community a better place for all our residents.
  • Is heavily involved in the various activities that support, build and develop a better community.
  • Is involved in various projects throughout the community.
  • Demonstrates the ability to work cooperatively and in harmony with other community members.
  • Is not hesitant to become involved when and wherever a need arises.
  • Dedicates their time and is readily available to fill a need.

Youth Citizen Volunteer of the Year (21 or under)

  • Meets the above selection criteria.
  • Is a person below 21 years of age.

Senior Citizen Volunteer of the Year (55+)

  • Recognizes a person(s) in need and provides assistance whether it be a helping hand or a compassionate ear.
  • Involved in aspects of the community where people’s needs are paramount in importance.
  • Personality traits of kindness, generosity, friendly and compassion are evident in this person.
  • Is generally involved where a person’s quality of life can be improved upon.

Citizen, Youth Citizen, and Senior Citizen Volunteer of the Year Awards - Nomination Form

Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: rtf pdf doc docx.

Summary of Qualifications Attachment Information:

In a Word document, please attach a description (500 words maximum) of why this person deserves to be nominated for the chosen award. References for the candidate may be beneficial in aiding the committee with its selection of the Senior Citizen, Citizen, and Youth Citizen Volunteer of the Year.