As per the Municipal Government Act, Town Council is required to hold a public hearing as part of the process to approve or amend a land use bylaw or other statutory plans. The purpose is to receive comments on related land use and rezoning applications. All hearings are open to the general public and your attendance is encouraged as they are an opportunity to let Town Council know your views on various issues regarding land use and development. You are encouraged to submit your comments in writing to Planning & Development prior to a hearing. Written submissions which have been received before the designated meeting time will be included in the report for the Public Hearing.
Bylaw No. 2024-37 proposes to amend the Town of Olds Land Use Bylaw to redesignate Lots 11 & 12, Block 32, Plan 1022JK from General Residential (R2) to Highway Commercial A (CHA). The subject lands are shown in the sketch below. This proposed redesignation aligns with the East Olds Redevelopment Plan which identifies this parcel as part of the Highway Overlay District and encourages a mix of residential, commercial, and live-work uses.
A copy of the proposed bylaws and related documents may be seen during regular hours (8:30 am to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday) at the Town of Olds Office building, 4512 46 Street. A copy of the bylaw is also available on the Town website at
A Public Hearing regarding the proposed bylaw will be held Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 1:00 PM in the Council Chambers at the Town Office. The style of the hearing will be informal and persons wishing to speak will be requested to state their name and address for the record upon being recognized by the Chair. Council will hear submissions made in person or by the agent from any person who claims to be affected by the proposed bylaw. Any person wishing to submit written comments may do so by sending them to the Town of Olds Planning and Development department, at the address below. Comments received prior to 4:00 PM on October 7, 2024 will be included in the staff report to Council and comments received after will be read at the public hearing. Persons may make oral presentations at the Council meeting, regardless of whether or not they have provided written comments.
Further information on the proposed bylaw may be obtained by contacting Planning & Development at (403)-507-4806.
Written comments can be submitted to:
Town of Olds
Planning & Development
4512 46 Street Olds AB T4H 1R5
Bylaw No. 2024-38 is a new Area Structure Plan for the section of land at the northeast of Olds, north of Highway 27 and east of Highway 2A. The plan will set guidelines and direction for long-term growth and development in the area. This is a non-residential Area Structure Plan, as it aligns with the existing Municipal Development Plan which identifies this land for future industrial and highway commercial development.
A copy of the proposed bylaw and related documents may be seen during regular hours (8:30 am to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday) at the Town of Olds Office building, 4512 46 Street. A copy of the bylaw is also available on the Town website at
A Public Hearing regarding the proposed bylaw will be held Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 1:00 PM in the Council Chambers at the Town Office. The style of the hearing will be informal and persons wishing to speak will be requested to state their name and address for the record upon being recognized by the Chair. Council will hear submissions made in person or by the agent from any person who claims to be affected by the proposed bylaw. Any person wishing to submit written comments may do so by sending them to the Town of Olds Planning and Development department, at the address below. Comments received prior to 4:00 PM on October 7, 2024 will be included in the staff report to Council and comments received after will be read at the public hearing. Persons may make oral presentations at the Council meeting, regardless of whether or not they have provided written comments.
Further information on the proposed bylaw may be obtained by contacting Planning & Development at (403)-507-4806.
Written comments can be submitted to:
Town of Olds
Planning & Development
4512 46 Street Olds AB T4H 1R5