Intermunicipal Development Plan

The Government of Alberta mandates that municipalities with a shared border complete an Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP). The Mountain View County and Town of Olds IDP coordinates land use planning and development decisions involving lands close to the Town of Olds.



What is Annexation?

Annexation is the process of transferring land from one municipal jurisdiction (County) to another municipal jurisdiction (Town). This enables the annexing jurisdiction to administer the area and put in place its plans for orderly and logical growth of the area. The Province of Alberta is the approving authority for annexation proposals.
Annexation is mainly about the supply of available land for planned growth. It means planning ahead so that when the landowner is ready to develop and the economic potential emerges subdivision and development applications can be considered for approval in a timely manner. For this reason, the process of annexation takes place many years prior to anticipated development happening in the area being annexed.
Annexation does not change who owns the land. Each landowner prior to annexation continues to own their property after annexation unless they decide to sell the land to someone else.
The Annexation involves lands on the northeast corner of Olds. The most pressing need for the Town is land for long term commercial and industrial growth. This area is slated for commercial and industrial uses due to its closeness to Highway 2A, Highway 27 and the QE2 Highway.
View the Annexation Area Map

What is the Process?
Landowner Consultations, Public Review and Input, Local Authorities Input – the Town has conducted consultation throughout 2020 with landowners in the annexation area, local authorities that may be impacted by annexation and reviewed the public input that was received. 
Annexation Report – the Town has summarized all input received and the annexation proposal in a document, the Annexation Negotiation Report, that was reviewed by the Town/County Committee in February 2021. 
Council Acceptance – the Annexation Negotiation Report has been presented to County Council and Town Council for their acceptance in March 2021.

Submission of Annexation Application – Following the approval of the Annexation Negotiation Report by both Councils, it was submitted to the Municipal Government Board as the formal Town of Olds annexation application. The Municipal Government Board will now be reviewing the Town’s application and seeking any last input from the community, landowners and referral agencies.
View the Annexation Negotiation Report
View the Annexation Negotiation Report submitted to the Municipal Government Board